
Chrome Bags Back Up

Just got a big reload of the number one messenger bag brand Chrome. Lots of new and some even limited edition colorways, and new styles such as Warsaw, Mini Metro, and Sully. Available now in the store and on the web.

Anmälan till Supermarket Alleycat...

Hej cykelnördar!

Vi behöver er anmälan på info@super-market.se för att vi ska kunna organisera alleycaten så bra som möjligt. Anmälningsavgiften på 50 kr kan ni betala i butiken (cash) innan start på lördag.

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/Mikael, Anton & André på Supermarket


Vi håller stängt på Kristi Himmelsfärd...

Torsdagen den 21 maj håller vi stängt, men vi har öppet som vanligt både fredag och lördag...

Supermarket presents Lagom Summer '09

From Stockholm, Sweden comes Lagom. A dressed up brand with nice cuts and shapes. Supermarket are now carrying their limited edition summer collection, simply called Summer Summer '09. This collection is inspired by an annual bicycle contest in England called The Tweed Run. This race is a hommage to the outdying dandy. We got three pieces consisting of Victor a hooded shirt with hidden buttons. Michael, nice cut shorts with a higher waist and off course Emanuel a classic bicycle cap. Available now in the store and on the web.


Reload, Indifofera, Reload

Spring news from swedish denim brand Indigofera Prima Jeans. A washed version of the Mack style with a nice blue color, five pockets and printed rivets and buttons. Fargo is a mix between a denim shirt and a jacket. Worn out wash, printed buttons and labels and patches. Available right now, both on web and in the store.


Supermarket Alleycat lördagen 30 maj kl. 14.00!

Kära vänner!

Den 30:e maj sker ju som ni alla vet galenskapet kallat Andra Långdagen. Förra året hängde närmare 3000 pers på gatan, det grillades, dracks en och annan öl, spelades musik och dansades. I år sker samma sak, men nu det skall dessutom cyklas!

Supermarket tillsammans med Our Legacy och Chrome Bags kör en kortare alleycat med start och målgång på Supermarket på Andra Långgatan 18. Startskottet går kl 14:00, och anmälan sker på info@super-market.se. Anmälningsavgiften är på 50 kr och betalas i butiken innan start. Fina priser från Chrome Bags och Our Legacy till de tre första i mål. Vi bjuder naturligtvis alla deltagare på en målgångs-öl.


Supermarket Alleycat
Lördag 30:e maj
Start kl. 14.00 @ Supermarket

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Supermarket-mix vol3!

At Supermarket we continuously launch mixes and this time it is time to show our own muscles. Supermarket´s own Anton Qlint from Tiedye are up for a folkish rockdisco mix!
1 R.Hine
2 Nothing sadder than a heartace - KC
3 Fire Pils Og En Pizza - Åge Aleksandersen
4 Au Paradise - Chagrin D´Amoure
5 Gloria
6 Illy lilly Bernt Staf
7 M.T
8 One and one - 8 Automatic Man
9 Mariella

Get it HERE!


Bag it up

We got the spring drop from Head Porter Plus a couple of days ago. You can see it right below this post. Now we got the Head Porter drop. Head Porter Plus is the clothing line of the japanese bag brand Head Porter. We got three styles of bags. Everyone from the Grey Suave collection. A computer brief case with lots of pockets and packing space. Soft insides to keep your laptop from being scratched. A backpack with soft outer shell, mesh details and lots of pockets. And last but not least a classic shoulder bag with a simple but nice cut. Both Head Porter and Head Porter Plus will only be available in the ground store, but you can have a better look on the web. Email us at info(at)super-market.se or give us a call on +46 (0) 31 242832 for more info.